Monday, April 30, 2012


The Los Angles Holocaust Museum

Something that reminded me of the cemetery (the original) and my own creation. 


Picking trees are harder than i thought.

I like the cherry tree  because it has a stringy feel to it. Its branches when in bloom cast a large singular shadow that rotates through the day but when it is not in bloom the branches individually cast shadows zigzagging across the paths and criss crossing back and forth altering. I like this tree not only because of the shadows it cast but its mean to death.

Cherry (Sakura)
Represents the Japanese idea of �The Perfect Death�. Also perfection of virtue and existence.

The other tree is  the Montezuma Bald Cypress tree. I like this tree a lot but it grows differently in the north than it does in the south, where i first saw it. This tree will turn deciduous and changes its form minimally when it  comes to the north. basically there becomes less hang to it. I liked this tree because of its resemblance to the weeping willow except with this tree doesn't have an overwhelming amount of hang.... therefor grouping there wouldn't become difficult. i am working on find another tree to replace this one one that with grow a little taller than the cherry and have a hang to its branch.  I liked this tree because the trunk is love giving space to walk and the branches weep a little for privace and then they are very full for nice shadow. and taller than  they are wide!!!

The other tree i have considered is the turkey oak unfortunately it just doesn't do it for me the search continues. I have been searching for trees associated with death trying to find ones that fit the regiment

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Materials on the site

I have taken the materials ( most from the existing site ) and collaged them in the arrangement I have previously designed. Through this I understood that A. I needed to fix some awkward things that happen B. I had to change some areas make them bigger/ get rid of them/ change the material. There were various things that needed to be changed but not totally redesigned. It goes back to a previous post "breaking the rules," when the rules limit your design they need to be broken!!! Also after the corrections collage I intend to make another one with the correct spacing but make it sectional. The cemetery I am designing can not solely be observed in plan it has a sectional quality about it that needs to be expressed in order to properly convey the experience. What I envision to do combine a collage with a drawdel creating a .... well there's no name for it yet but I'll work on that one as well!!!!...... Back to work!!

Fixing awkward moments

Don't want anyone feeling trapped of questioning why the heck did they lead me here

Friday, April 20, 2012

Breaking the Rules

I am currently trying to figure the details out which is very frustrating. i have gone through so much trace while trying to figure thing out. I have created  intersecting lines derived from the end points of the tombs and walkways. These lines have help me over come so much but i am struggling to make them work when placing the burial plots on the walls. The lines have created zones where i have set up sitting/contemplation spaces, nature spaces, commemorative piles and circulation zones. I am figuring out that it is about creating rules and then consciously break those rules to make room for smarter decisions.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fill in the blanks!

So the Squares that happen in the center of the site will vary in tomb function but maintain the same style (which i am not sure what style it is yet!!!???) They can be communal places for ashes, carved out places to sit and contemplate Fill In the Blank, places where bodies slide in, where urns rest, they can be piles reaching up to the sky just to get in your way and redirect your path, or they could have memorial information on them... they can be what ever my heart desires!


Here is something i found that's pretty cool! click on the link below it is a house that is dug into the site. its moments of randomness that break through the ground that rests on the niches remind me of our site and how Miralles and Pinos create moments of confusion on the surface. Check out the web site with the other pictures its awesome!!!!!!/photos/71255/1

THAT'S 1/16 NOT 1/32????

So here's what i'm working on.... i think its there... well kinda i have to figure out the configuration of the interior elements such as trees free standing niches how i can integrate the the free standing niches into the space... maybe a square? The square adds a questionable element of what happens in the corners when the bodies meet and leave more square masses in the corners. The square is a whole other topic that i will post about later.

These figure like niches direct you around the spaces. Some of them hold back land, some are free standing and some ditch the niche and become voided spaces where the tamed earth to become wild again. I'm working on how to transition from space to space and rethinking the entire concept of the thresh-hold. 

The Magenta line is the edge of my site. I also think is is expressive of the movements you make going through the site. That makes sense in my head i wish you could hear whats going on in there. : )

How do the spaces transition. They should have some organization. but they don't need to be typical. They don.t need to happen where you think they should happen, where you are trained to think they should happen. A THRESH-HOLD DOES NOT NEED TO BE A DOORWAY!!!!!!

Okay so here is my site!!!! I love it but i have no clue if i did it right is it at 1/32 or 1/16?? Who KNOWS!!! I Hope i find out soon!!!!!

Now i have to get the niches into the site like ASAP!!!!!!!!!!