Friday, February 24, 2012

Fail blog

I am working on mapping in studio this is the model mold. This is what I call an epic fail. It didn't work!!!!! It took me forever to cut out all those prices and only for them to not work together. All the wax i poured in draped right back out!! Where I went wrong:
1 . Using that dreadful foam. It made the model huge. It was so thick if the cast did work there would be no way that the 4 pound block if wax was gonna fill it... Oh and the foam made a mess.
2 . Hot glue. I did not take into account that when pouring the wax it would heat up the glue and break the bond.

3 . The tin foil was not the smartest thing. It needed to be pieced together
an that allowed the wax to get through it an ruin the foam.

4 . The details were to subtle and the levels were to grand!!! The little things that made the picture work were covered up by the tin foil and the levels blend together.

Over all I think I'm going to switch and use plaster and make the mold a whole lot thinner!!!

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