Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reworking it!!!

Okay so since the last time i posted my design i have decided i don't like it. Well that's not the way i should put i t. I like the forms i have the shapes but i knew there was something wrong i just didn't know what so i have been fudging it and trying to come up with something that i like and i think i have finally did it. So after i shrunk it from its massive size i decided to break up all the forms that i have arbitrarily created. I then did a few diagrams to see if it could potentially work.... Now i am making the same shapes on chip board and rearranging them to see if there are other options that could work better than the first one i made.

Rethinking the review

I thought about one comment a reviewer made ... " you shouldn't even be thinking about the benches yet". I understand where she is coming from, however when visiting the existing site it frustrated me that there was I intended seating all over benched that were not designed for the sight randomly placed.... Therefore, I think you need to always be thinking about all the aspects and individual components that make up the cemetery.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Keep going til you hit Mid review # 2

Because the reviewers made a good point about not having to double the experience just the program i am working on shrinking my site. I am beginning to use creative ways of making my niches not stack so high so they can be on a more personal level. I am trying to use more big moves and letting them define the smaller moments instead of trying to design both.

Mid Review #1

The review was very constructive. On a technical level the reviewer gave light to what was misrepresented and needed to be changed so that it reads better.

A few Comments: blow ups of specific points to better represent the gestures, perspectives - to understand what it would feel like to be in the space,

They told me to study the relationship between the jagged forms and the existing site.

In the end they said the ideas are there they just need to go further and be better represented. Which i am kinda okay with considering i just figured out what my project was on Tuesday! Now i just have to work hard and get a whole lot more done.

One thing a reviewer said in regards to all our projects was "you need to double the program not the experience" Simply put... WHY IS IT SOOO BIG!!!!

Same plan just some things show in each

NYC mapping - east village cemetery


When I first read over this I misread it and began to think of the contemplation spaces as a persons own private oasis

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Where i'm at, What i'm thinking

Attempting to look at my wire drawing and put it onto paper in order to make the forms oppose each other to create unique space.

Juniper Hill

Today i went to the Juniper Hill Cemetery. It was suggested by a friend who visited it while taking a landscape architecture class. It is located in Bristol RI, with the entrance at the end of a long road with a stone arch as the threshold.

What really struck me about this cemetery was that most of the plots are family plots. While this cemetery puts family together different than the family tombs that we have seen, the same desired outcome is accomplished. Family sectors are: mounded, surrounded but stone, have steps leading from the paved path to earth, and a few other variations. The family plots however they are determined have one large (expensive) monument to the family. The surname and a small excerpt about the family is engraved on the this and then quainter tomb with the initials are put on the top. This is how it was on most spaces. In addition to how the plots are laid out the cemetery has a nice flow to it. It has a meandering path that leads you around with a few areas where one can seek clarity. The cemetery is very random with no clear organization. individual plots are places  in close proximity to the family areas. The cemetery was built on the land the land was not built to fit a cemetery.

Family Plots

Mounded Earth

Stair walking up to Family monument. (notice surname on the stairs)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Deterioration of Materials

After i look at all the cemeteries in New Orleans i thought about how the looked after the flood and the deteriorating look they have due to natural effects. In the future i can study the New Orleans cemeteries post flooding looking at the material and how it will deteriorate over time due to natural effects. This will help me to relate the new to the old through material and texture.

Cemeteries Galore!!!!!

After going to the Igualada site and to the Cementiri de Montjuic i decided to look at a few other cemetery's that might help me. A friend had told me about the cemeteries of New Orleans and how much she loved them.... She also said they needed to be above ground because of the flooding  Here are some of the cemeteries.

Cementiri de Montjuic  - 

Holt Cemetery - the poor mans cemetery. The only one in New Orleans that is a below ground.

Lafayette Cemetery -  Above Ground cemetery. Uses tombs and niches throughout the site.

Cypress Hill Cemetery - Above ground cemetery in New Orleans

Some Helpful Aerial view - helpful when thinking about spacing.

A few random cemeteries that i found cool and helpful

Our burial chambers are built over three levels: 
Level G: is for heavy or large bodies*
Level 1: is for normal sized bodies*.
Level 2: for small or elderly frail bodies*.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Igualada, SPAIN!!!! Over spring break we went to Spain to see the site! It was awesome and really helpful. My scale of the site was totally off, the site was so much smaller than i had previously thought. Not only the actual horizontal zone  but the vertical zone as well. The randomness of everything was really brought to my attention. Visiting the site was very beneficial to me. It helped me to understand the surrounds and the buildable land.

I want to create an entrance to the addition to the cemetery at this point.

The entrance wall would oppose this wall leading you into a darker contemplation space. I'm struggling to get this space right because i want to make smaller spaces that translated to the random spaces that preexist. I'm my crit today i was told it is not about those moments alone it is about the larger gestures that create the smaller moments.

I am looking more into my wire drawing and finally under what Luis is saying of how the my wire drawing can relate to my design. I am now looking at  how the wire opposes each itself to create space using mass and void.

Building the Cemetery

My idea for the Igualada Cemetery. I came up with three ideas for the Igualada Cemetery.

My first scheme: This concept is to have objects in a field of space, It deals with the mass versus void.  This concept was liked the best out of the 3 schemes i came up with. Unfortunately when i continued pursuing it there was a slight misunderstanding between my Professor and my self of where exactly this field of space would be. I was thinking about putting it in the existing space while he thought i should bring the idea into a new space that i have carved or created.

Scheme 2: The second idea was completely disregarded which i think was a smart move. It did not hold its own in comparison to the other 2 schemes.

Scheme 3: I liked this one the best. Partially because i would be able to include glass (my favorite building material) into it. It was said to be very Carme Pinos like. The reason i am not further exploring this idea is because it is has problems with reality. The idea of building into the existing space with fancied however the existing space did not allow my design to be implemented.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012